The Litany Against Fear

I will not fear. Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. (Frank Herbert)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I Have a Shiny New Port

So I've survived yet another surgery, not that there was really ever any risk that I wouldn't. It's really more emotional survival. I found a pain killer I can use! It won't work for major surgery but for this one it's just fine. The worst part about this surgery is my tape/glue/bandage allergy. My chest is all red and swollen from where the bandages were. I just took them off today so it looks particularily nasty, but on the plus side I also showered today so I'm feeling human again. I skipped chemo the day after and postponed it for a week. Dr. Lee was out of town so I did it without his okay. He'll just have to deal. My body. I get to do what I want with it. Kinda. Because my schedule is all messed up now. I'll have treatment three weeks in a row followed by three glorious weeks off. Whatever will I do with myself? Oh, and I have super good news...I have money! The government is going to give me money because I can't work. It's only half of what I was making when I was working, but it's better then nothing. I'm not going on any lavish vacations, but I might buy a new rug for the kitchen...and maybe a new pair of jeans.

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