The Litany Against Fear

I will not fear. Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. (Frank Herbert)

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Good news? or is it?

Okay let me recap, about a month ago my CT scan results were questionable. In the words of the specialist who looked at them: "The same or worse." Monday I had another scan and got the results on Wednesday, which are "The same or better." It is clear that the tumor is not growing out of control, and that's a good thing, but what the hell is going on? Well, it's tricky because the two remaining tumors on my liver are each about the size of a pin head. In my doctor's words, "The same person could look at these scans seven different times and get seven different measurements." I've progressed into a gray area where there's no way of knowing if the tumors are active or not. Even though they show up on the CT scan does not necessarily mean that they're alive. They could be empty husks left behind when the large tumor died, or they could be a few resilient cancer cells that are resisting the treatment but too starved to spread out. So, the plan now is the same as it has always been…same treatment and the same schedule with scans every couple of months. If there continues to be no change for several more months then I'll have to decide if I'm ready to stop the chemo and just do maintenance therapy to keep the cancer in remission. It's a scary concept because as soon as my body is no longer toxic soup, whatever cancer cells are still hanging around could then flourish and spread. Many cancer patients have a great deal of trouble transitioning because the fear is always there. The chances of a stage 4 cancer returning are extremely high, so learning to live with that reality will be a challenge in itself. I remember after I was diagnosed with Epilepsy in my teens that I spent a great deal of time in fear of my next seizure. To some degree I've come to terms with the fear, but every morning I still feel a twinge of it (I have waking seizures). The same will be true of cancer, but the difference is that a seizure is unlikely to kill me but cancer is definitely deadly.

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