The Litany Against Fear

I will not fear. Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. (Frank Herbert)

Friday, March 3, 2006

My Doctor Skips

It's been one week and I'm recovering from treatment quite well actually. I'm starting to get into a rhythm with this thing. Since I know how my body reacts I can preempt some of the more unpleasant aspects of chemo. Of course, I still need a great deal of nursing in the days immediately following treatment and I am very lucky to have so many people eager to lend a hand. The treatments themselves are very dull and only tolerable because of the people who take me to them and keep me company. However, two interesting things did happen this time around: it snowed and Dr. Lee skipped. I know neither of these events are truly newsworthy, but they did make me smile and that's really all that matters. I don't recall why Dr. Lee skipped out of the room, but I think perhaps he was just possessed by a fit of whimsy. His ability to find some humor in an otherwise bleak and depressing environment is one of the reasons I like him so well. That's how I've tried to deal with the cancer...with as much humor as possible.